Adija Nene
Adija Nene
Adija Nene was born and raised in Bula Pesa, Isiolo. Her childhood memories are clouded by the struggles her parents faced trying to make ends meet. Hoping for a better life, Adija married young, seeking stability and a fresh start.
She went on to have eight children—five boys and three girls. Tragically, five of her children passed away, leaving behind grandchildren who are now under her care. Among them are the children of two daughters who were among those that passed on. Today, Adija is responsible for raising five grandchildren.
Of her three surviving children, one son struggles with mental health challenges, making him fully dependent on her, and the other two, despite being adults, face hardships trying to sustain themsel...
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KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1946
Household size
Program Entry
January 7, 2017
Income/other support
Help Support Adija Nene Today
Support Plans
One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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