Aliow Hassan Aliow
Aliow Hassan Aliow
Born in 1952 into a family of ten siblings, Aliow Hassan grew up in a household with scarce resources, leaving him and his siblings without access to formal education. Tragically, he lost his parents at a young age, forcing him to shoulder adult responsibilities as a child.
To survive, Aliow worked as a livestock herder for others. At 18, he took a bold step to change his circumstances, traveling across Kenya to Eldoret, where his uncle lived. There, Aliow started a small business selling thrift clothing. The business thrived for a time, providing him a steady income and the means to start a family. He married a young woman who he met through his stall, and together they raised seven children.
However, their happiness was sh...
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KSh 3,500
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KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1952
Household size
Program Entry
November 1, 2021
Income/other support
Help Support Aliow Hassan Aliow Today
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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