Alowor Marenya
Alowor Marenya
Growing up in a village in Samburu, Marenya’s family was struck by tragedy when raiding warriors took their livestock—100 goats that had once belonged to her late father. With no male relatives to defend them, Marenya and her mother were left with little.
In search of a way to survive, Marenya and her mother began making charcoal, a trade they learned from other women in their community. They would chop down trees, burn them in carefully dug holes, and turn them into charcoal. Despite the hardships, Marenya recalls those days with a sense of humor, saying, “I remember our hair catching fire, and we would laugh about it.” The work wasn’t easy, but it provided enough to get by.
However, poverty loomed large, and when Maren...
Help Support Alowor Marenya today
Support Plans
One time contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1953
Household size
Program Entry
November 2, 2017
Income/other support
Help Support Alowor Marenya Today
Support Plans
One time contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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MIC certification of senior support
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