Enjole Amuluole
Enjole Amuluole
Born in 1927 in Lodwar, Turkana County, and raised in Baragoi, Samburu County, Enjole Amuluole's life has been one of sacrifice and endurance. As the only child of pastoralist parents, she took on the heavy burden of herding livestock from a young age, learning early that survival meant hard work.
Marriage brought her the joy of motherhood, blessing her with eight children. But life’s cruelty was never far—four of them were lost along the way. Her husband’s livelihood depended on herding, but when all their livestock were stolen, their world collapsed. In search of a fresh start, they moved to Isiolo, only for tragedy to strike again when her husband fell ill and passed away, leaving Enjole alone to care for their children.
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KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1927
Household size
Program Entry
September 1, 2023
Income/other support
Help Support Enjole Amuluole Today
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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