Fatuma Ali Hama
Fatuma Ali Hama
In the bustling village of Bula Bao, in Isiolo County, Fatuma Ali Hama carries a lifetime of hardship and resilience. Born in Garba Tula, she never had the chance to go to school. Instead, she spent her childhood herding livestock, unaware of the struggles that lay ahead.
At just nine years old, she was married and moved to Isiolo. Life as a young bride was difficult, but Fatuma embraced her role with unwavering devotion. Over the years, she became a mother to eleven children, only to endure the unbearable pain of losing six of them.
Her husband, a police officer, was the pillar of their family—until illness took him away, leaving Fatuma to raise their surviving children alone. With no formal education or stable income, ...
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KSh 3,500
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KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1958
Household size
Program Entry
October 1, 2021
Income/other support
Help Support Fatuma Ali Hama Today
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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