Lomulen Amuria
Lomulen Amuria
Lomulen was the third born of four siblings, he remembers his childhood as full of energy and strength. Growing into a young man, he embraced family life through mariiage, blessed with three children—two daughters and a son. Sadly, one child passed away, leaving him with two to care for.
In his early years, Lomulen worked hard, herding his neighbors' livestock to provide for his family. Life seemed stable until tragedy struck; the livestock were stolen, leaving him with no source of income. Forced to seek a new beginning, Lomulen moved to Isiolo’s Maisha Bora area. There, he found work as a watchman at the local chief’s residence, where the chief offered him a small wooden house to live in. However, the house came with no resou...
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KSh 3,500
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KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1964
Household size
Program Entry
January 4, 2022
Income/other support
Help Support Lomulen Amuria Today
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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