Safia Abdi
Safia Abdi
Born in Modogashe, Garissa County, Safia Abdi grew up tending to her father’s cattle, never having the chance to attend school. At just 13, she was married, and over the years, she and her husband, a driver, built a life together, raising six children—three boys and three girls.
Their world changed when her husband became paralyzed and bedridden, leaving Safia to shoulder the full weight of providing for their family. With no stable income, she did what she could to keep her children fed. The stress was relentless, and when her husband passed away, the burden only grew heavier.
Determined to secure a future for her children, Safia started a small grocery business. But the strain took a toll on her health, leading to gastriti...
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1978
Household size
Program Entry
August 14, 2020
Income/other support
Help Support Safia Abdi Today
Support Plans
One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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