Amuria Egule
Amuria Egule
Born in 1940 in the rugged landscapes of Baragoi, Samburu County, Mama Emuria’s life has been a testament to endurance and unwavering love. As a young girl, her family moved to Isiolo, where she embraced the demanding life of a nomadic pastoralist. Without the opportunity for education, her days were spent herding livestock, her childhood slipping away in the harsh realities of survival.
Tragedy shadowed her path early—she lost a sibling and took on responsibilities beyond her years. In time, she married and became a mother to four children, but sorrow struck again as she buried two of them. None of her children had access to school, a painful reminder of the hardships they endured. Her husband, a game reserve worker, battled d...
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KSh 3,500
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KSh 7,000

Date of Birth
January 1, 1940
Household size
Program Entry
April 1, 2016
Income/other support
Help Support Amuria Egule Today
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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