Bike Ibrahim
Bike Ibrahim
Born in 1946 in the quiet village of Bulesa, Isiolo County, Mama Bike Ibrahim’s life has been one of sacrifice and perseverance. As the third of four siblings, she spent her childhood herding livestock, never having the chance to attend school. At just 15, she was married, embracing the role of a wife and, soon after, a mother to six children.
For years, her husband, a meter reader at a water company, provided for their family. But when illness and age made him too frail to work, the weight of responsibility fell on Mama Bike. With two of her children married into poverty and the others living far away, she had no one to rely on.
Determined to keep her household afloat, she turned to selling herbal medicines. Some days broug...
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Date of Birth
January 1, 1946
Household size
Program Entry
October 1, 2013
Income/other support
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One Time Contribution
KSh 3,500
1 Year
KSh 7,000

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